
The Biden administration and big business want to bring hydrogen energy production to the Delaware Valley. It may not be the green solution it’s touted to be

Hydrogen as an element is simple. Each atom has one electron and one proton. It’s first on the periodic table — the most abundant chemical substance in the universe. But hydrogen as a potential climate-friendly energy source is anything but simple. Hydrogen has long been used in dirty industries: cleaved from fossil fuels, it can

10 mins read

A deer plague is heading toward Philadelphia. Business and politics are getting in the way of stopping it

Like a human starting to experience Alzheimer’s disease, a deer in the early stages of chronic wasting disease doesn’t look all that sick. You’d have to spend some time with it to notice anything amiss. But in both illnesses, once it starts, there is no stopping the degeneration of the brain tissue and further outward

13 mins read

Ask the Mayoral Candidates

Ahead of the April primary, Grid asked the mayoral candidates for their thoughts on the city’s major sustainability issues. We sent questions about municipal waste, sustainable development, parks and greenspaces, and bicycling infrastructure. Eight candidates responded by our deadline and we published their responses in a special voter’s guide issue. Now, two candidates remain: Republican

2 mins read

Ask the Mayoral Candidate: Cherelle Parker

Cherelle Parker served as the 9th district City Councilmember from 2016 until 2022, when she resigned to run for mayor. For 10 years before her term in City Council she served as a state representative. On Parks Funding My campaign has been focused on a vision for making Philadelphia the safest, cleanest, and greenest big

2 mins read

Ask the Mayoral Candidate: David Oh

David Oh served as at-large City Councilmember (Republican) from 2012 to 2023, when he resigned to run for mayor. Oh worked as an attorney before running for City Council and served in the Army National Guard from 1988 to 1992. On Parks Funding The fact that Philadelphia is spending less proportionally of its own budget,

2 mins read

Cast Your Vote

Today’s the day! Philadelphians are taking to the polls to choose party candidates for mayor, City Council, judges and other elected posts. (It’s also the last day — until the next election cycle, anyway — for the robo-texts, campaign flyers and attack ads. Hooray!) Grid has endorsed Helen Gym in the Democratic mayoral primary race,

1 min read

Endorsement: Helen Gym for Mayor

The venue for the Climate Mayoral Forum presented by Green Philly couldn’t have been more fitting. The auditorium of the Academy of Natural Sciences, home to decades of research about dwindling biodiversity and exhibits of extinct animals, was sweltering. The heat on this early April evening served as yet another reminder of how the seasons

2 mins read

Water, Trees and Justice; Mayoral Candidates on the Green Living Plan

If there’s one thing all Philadelphia’s mayoral candidates can agree on, it’s that Mayor Jim Kenney botched the water crisis that wasn’t. On the heels of a near-crisis that called into question Kenney’s emergency response and the City’s ability to protect its drinking water system, the candidates to succeed Kenney in office gathered Wednesday night

5 mins read
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