
One year into the Parker administration, cycling advocates are celebrating some victories for street safety — and pushing for more

Philadelphia is often ranked among the best cities in the country for cycling. And yet, leading up to the 2023 mayoral election, cyclists had reason to fear for their safety on city streets. That year, 10 cyclists were killed in vehicular crashes, one third the number of cyclist deaths reported in New York City —


In 2022, PGW budgeted for a geothermal feasibility study. Three years later, they have nothing to show for it

What’s a fossil fuel utility to do in a rapidly warming world? That was the question posed by a study the City released jointly with Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW), the country’s largest municipally-owned gas utility, in 2021. The answer? Diversify and decarbonize. The study recommended that PGW pilot three strategies: expanding its weatherization services, converting


With an expansive and amorphous mandate, the Philadelphia Environmental Justice Advisory Commission is off to a sluggish start

Three years after its launch, the Philadelphia Environmental Justice Advisory Commission (PEJAC) has yet to assert itself as an impactful player in efforts to ensure that all Philadelphians live free from environmental toxins and hazards. One year into Cherelle Parker’s mayorship, the commission has been absent from the administration’s Office of Clean and Green Initiatives.