The Law Of The Land: A recently launched initiative offers urban gardeners free legal support

Urban farmers do more than simply grow food, explains attorney Amy Laura Cahn. “These people are building community. They are providing resources for their communities in terms of food, but also in terms of value of property,” she says. “They’re creating community spaces and creating opportunities for education and cross-culture, cross-generational communication.” Urban farmers are

2 mins read

The Rule of Three

During our very happy, almost 15-year marriage, my wife Sheila and I have given each other every possible gift. Some, like my drum kit and handsomely battered briefcase, are revered. Others have been loved for a time or shelved and then, kindly dispatched to Goodwill. To avoid ending up on the TV show “Hoarders,” a

3 mins read

Grid Gift Guide 2011: Fair Lady

Quality never goes out of style, and nothing says quality like handcrafted garments from your local neighborhood artisans. Do yourself a favor and visit Philly’s charming boutiques instead of clawing your way through the big department store crowds. And the best part? You’ll find better gifts! You know she deserves it.

1 min read

Grid Gift Guide 2011: Bookworm

What do you do for the literati on your list? You gave them all Snuggies® last year. Well, Philadelphia has no shortage of cozy bookstores to spend a little quiet time on your shopping spree. Complete the scene with a blanket and cup of tea and you’ve just made winter somebody’s favorite season.

2 mins read

Grid Gift Guide 2011: Green Thumb

Winter can be a trying time for the gardener, but you can give the gift that keeps on growing. Cultivate some holiday cheer with gifts from Philly’s best local garden centers. Keep it up and you’ll be a perennial contender for Santa’s favorite little helper.

1 min read

Recipes: Snout-to-tail movement

The Simplest Pot Roast Ever
This recipe is from Long Way on a Little: An Earth Lovers’ Companion for Enjoying Meat, Pinching Pennies and Living Deliciously, by Shannon Hayes (Left to Write Press, September 2012, secret to this recipe is a good sear, followed by time in the slow cooker with very little liquid, resulting

1 min read

Grid Gift Guide 2011: Nester

How lucky we are to live and shop in Philadelphia. We can bypass box stores and their buffet of bland and cheaply made goods and instead, we can choose thoughtful gifts, sold to us by our neighbors. When we give our gifts, we’ll know our family and friends will recognize the thought and care taken

2 mins read