Getting Schooled

The Humane League's black bean burritos | Photo courtesy the Humane League
Philadelphia Public Schools offer vegetarian education, meals
This fall, Philadelphia Public School students have a new kind of assignment—learning about alternatives to eating meat. Schoolchildren throughout the city will partake in the once-a-week meatless “Lean and Green Days,” part of an effort to create a healthier,

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Mock Up

Neat, a natural meat alternative, was created two years ago by Phil and Laura Lapp, who were looking for a healthy, animal-free protein to satisfy their two vegetarian daughters. | Photo courtesy neat
Local companies produce fresh, responsibly made meat substitutes
The average American consumes nearly 200 pounds of meat in a year. While we can’t say for certain

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Food: Minus the Moo – Fire up the Weber, it’s burger season

Though i’m not a vegetarian, summertime piques my partiality for grill-ready burgers created from beans (or lentils), grains and vegetables. The trick to a homemade veggie burger that won’t fall to pieces on the barbecue is a simple three-step process: cook, chill and grill. This means that the night (or morning) before, you make the

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A Farewell to Pork… and Beef… and Chicken…

The last time was a pork sandwich, with greens, from the local pizza shop. The sandwich arrived soggy with grease; the pork, a glum gray; the broccoli rabe limp and lifeless. It was, for all intents, a waste of my 10 bucks. That was a Friday. April 8. I’d come home from work feeling tired,

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Review: Eating Animals

Jonathan Safran Foer has flirted with vegetarianism his entire life. Despite questioning the morality and cultural history of eating meat since childhood, the 32-year-old author of the popular novels Everything Is Illuminated and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close wavered between omnivore and vegetarian for years until he became a father.

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Recipe: Humble and Hearty Vegetable Soup

by Dynise Balcavage,
Nothing is as comforting as being snowed in, puttering around the kitchen and making a huge pot of steaming soup. This filling soup uses pantry staples and humble vegetables. It’s a snap to make, nutritious and filling, and you can improvise, depending on what you have on hand. It also freezes well.

1 min read