For the Birds

An urban environment is no deterrent to hawk watchingby Bernard Brown, phillyherping.blogspot.comOn this particular morning, the pigeons were smarter than the squirrels. Walking from my office to the ATM, I noticed breadcrumbs strewn across a stretch of sidewalk in Washington Square Park. A pair of young squirrels took turns jumping on each other and tussling

2 mins read

Profile: For the Birds

The Audubon Society's Keith Russell tracks migrating birds felled by windowsby Bernard Brown
Keith Russell shows me two white-throated sparrows and an ovenbird, all dead, at 5:30 a.m., when I meet him at 19th and Market. Russell, the Pennsylvania Audubon Society’s Fairmount Park Outreach Coordinator, had found the three migrants just on his walk over from

1 min read