
Cover Story: Senior Project

A group of retirees in Germantown take water safety into their own handsby Natalie Hope McDonald
The group of senior citizens dipping test tubes into the Wissahickon Creek has their work cut out for them. As members of the Senior Environment Corps (SEC), a volunteer organization housed at Center in the Park—an active adult community on

9 mins read

Feature: High Water

Dare to keep drugs out of your drinking waterby Shaun Bailey
It's an otherwise slow shift at the hospital when, just after 2 p.m., patient John Doe is wheeled into the emergency department. After taking the man's vital signs, residents determine he has suffered a "myocardial infarction"; what doctors call a heart attack. With no time

4 mins read

Activism: 350.org’s International Day of Climate Action

Ray Anderson will be in Philadelphia this month as the keynote speaker for 350.org’s International Day of Climate Action. What is 350.org? It’s an international campaign founded by American environmentalist and writer Bill McKibben, which focuses on reversing the disastrous path of our earth’s climate through a worldwide Day of Climate Action.

1 min read

Activism: The Industrial Revolution, Take 2

A maverick CEO makes the case for sustainabilityby Alex Mulcahy
In 1994, Ray Anderson, the CEO of an industrial carpet manufacturing company, faced a task he dreaded: delivering a speech to his workers about his company’s environmental policy. The problem was that his company, Interface Inc., didn’t have an environmental policy. They weren’t breaking any laws;

4 mins read

News: The Price is Right

Urban Eco Electric energizes the Philadelphia solar market with free installation and affordable leasing optionsMany homeowners want solar energy, but far too few can afford the upfront costs. How can this be overcome? One solution is leasing. The most prominent example of a successful leasing company is California-based SolarCity, which was partially funded by Elon

1 min read

Book Review: No Impact Man

No Impact Man: The Adventures of a Guilty Liberal Who Attempts to Save the Planet, and the Discoveries He Makes About Himself and Our Way of Life in the Processby Colin BevanFarrar, Straus and Giroux; $25
Over the past decade, several eco-superheroes have emerged: Al Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert Redford, and Michael Pollan, among others. In

1 min read

Book Review: the Cul-De-Sac Syndrome

The Cul-De-Sac Syndrome: Turning Around the Unsustainable American Dreamby John F. WasikBloomberg, $24.95Financial analysts, like the author of this book, have picked out the housing market as the trigger for the current economic downturn. In The Cul-De-Sac Syndrome, John Wasik, a personal finance columnist for Bloomberg News, agrees with that assertion, but says that our

1 min read

Book Review: Exposed

Exposed: the Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products and What's at Stake for American Powerby Mark SchapiroChelsea Green, $16.95There has never been a shortage of books critiquing American government policy or society, but with the current economic crisis, such books now have a lot more cachet. Exposed, by Mark Schapiro, editorial director of the Center for

1 min read