Do you love cooking, trying tasty new recipes, or learning how to be eco-friendly in the kitchen? Then this workshop is just for you! Join Riverbend and our friends from Greener Partners for a super fun, kid-friendly hands-on morning in our indoor and outdoor kitchens! Together, we’ll whip up delicious, healthy food while learning cool
It looks like the wait for Kensington Quarters (1310 Frankford Ave.), an ambitious combination of butcher shop, restaurant and classroom, is about to end. The restaurant is a partnership of Michael and Jeniphur Pasquarello (the owners of Cafe Lift, Prohibition Tap Room and Bufad), and a newcomer to Philadelphia, butcher Bryan Mayer.
When you think of escargot or griddled pork belly, getting it from a food truck may not come to mind. With a promise to cook from the heart and to offer environmentally sustainable and local menu options, owners of the HEART food truck, Michael Falcone and Tonda Woodling, are looking to change that.
“We really want
Drexel University’s Seasons Café and Vegetate both offer healthy, sustainable food options, emphasizing vegetarian and vegan fare and locally grown produce. Photos by Jordan Baumgarten.With the opening of Seasons Café and Vegetate, two new on-campus dining establishments dedicated to sustainable eating, Drexel University is responding to a growing demand for healthier, sustainable