
Learning To Eat

Philadelphia’s Farm to School program expands by lee stabert
Over the last few years, school lunch has scored a prominent place in the national dialogue—whether it’s Michelle Obama’s initiatives, Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution or “Fed Up With Lunch,” a Texas teacher’s disturbing blog documenting the daily menu at her school. It’s also an issue that’s poised

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Cover Story: Learning to Eat

An audacious plan to reform school food in Philadelphiaby Will Dean
Gray meat, gelatinous gravy and dried-out pasta made cafeteria food the butt of jokes at the lunch table. However, with obesity and diabetes rates skyrocketing among our country’s youth, the poor quality of the food offered at school isn’t so funny anymore. Many people have

6 mins read

Feature: The More They Know, the Better They’ll Eat

Involving young students is a key piece to the nutrition puzzleby Alex Mulcahy and Stephanie Singer
Around the world, there is a movement towards reconnecting people with how food is grown and produced. Empowering our youngest citizens may be our strongest strategy to create a healthier world.

2 mins read