Illustration by Kathleen White
Game on
by William Beisley
It’s 8:30 p.m. and you’re walking home from dinner. You’re approaching a baseball field and, from a distance, you assume it’s a little league exhibition. As you get closer, however, you notice the first baseman has a beard, and the player on deck holds a thinly veiled beer can in their hand. “What on earth are these kids doing?” you think to yourself. Then it sets in: They’re adults playing kickball.
There is a wide variety of intramural sports leagues in our city. Some leagues cater to the casual crowds, while other leagues are for born competitors. There are small do-it-yourself organizations that host only a few teams for one specific sport, while there are also larger clubs that host an array of activities, indoor and outdoor, for multiple skill levels. Here’s Grid’s list of 12 clubs, leagues and groups to get your fitness on while still having fun.
The Philadelphia Bicycle Club
Bicycle rides for cyclists of all skill levels.
$15 per year; $10 per year for students
Philly Runners
Group runs at all skill levels, all year round. (See Page 49 for more details and favorite routes.)
Philly Kickball
Full seasons and tournaments of kickball for adults.
$25 per player
Philly Sport & Social
Full seasons and tournaments of basketball, football, cornhole, kickball, dodgeball, soccer, floor hockey, softball and volleyball.
Various prices
Philadelphia Sports Network
Indoor and outdoor seasons of basketball, bowling, broomball, cornhole, dodgeball, field hockey, flag football, floor hockey, kickball, soccer, softball, tennis, Ultimate and volleyball.
Various prices
Indoor and outdoor basketball, dodgeball, kickball, soccer, softball and volleyball.
Various prices
Manayunk Sport and Social
Football, softball, volleyball, kickball, dodgeball, darts, soccer, floor hockey, ultimate bocce, baggo, lacrosse, roller hockey, shufflebowl, Ultimate and wiffleball.
Various prices
Casa Soccer League
Indoor and outdoor soccer.
Various prices
Greater Philadelphia Flag Football League
A league dedicated to flag football for the LGBTQ community and straight ally players.
Various prices
Philadelphia Area Disc Alliance
Year-round indoor and outdoor Ultimate.
$55 per player
Out Philly Athletic League
Basketball, bowling, dodgeball, football, running, softball, soccer, tennis and wrestling for LGBTQ participants.
Various prices
PEP Bowl
A handicap-scored bowling league. Proceeds from league and non-league bowling go to Programs Employing People (PEP), a nonprofit that provides vocational and education opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities.
$14 per game