Get Great Grid Gifts at the Next Grid Alive! - Grid Magazine
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Get Great Grid Gifts at the Next Grid Alive!


Grid Alive! is coming, Thursday, November 14! And in addition to snacks, beer and ice cream — and fascinating interviews — you can also jump-start your holiday shopping with a selection of great Grid gifts, including our new Grid gift bag, which includes: a limited edition Grid tote from fabric horse, a Grid T-shirt of your choice, and copies of Judy Wicks’ memoir Good Morning Beautiful Business and Drift, the acclaimed GMO thriller from Grid editor in chief Jon McGoran (who will be on hand to sign and personalize books). Visit the Grid store for more information, to order great Grid gifts or to register for Grid Alive

Grid Alive! is Philadelphia’s only live sustainability talk show, hosted by Grid publisher Alex Mulcahy and Head & The Hand founder Nic Esposito. In addition to beer and snacks from Rolling Barrel events and samples of Little Baby’s Ice Cream, there will be fascinating conversation with guests including:

Plus, special guest Sarah Grey, reading from her essay in The Rust Belt Rising Almanac.

There will even be free giveaways: one signed copy of Drift will be given away, and one registered attendee will also win a free Grid T-shirt. 

The show takes place at Trinity Memorial Church, 22nd and Spruce Streets. Doors open at 6 p.m., show starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $5. Registration is encouraged but not required. Space is limited. Click here to register or for more information. 

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