written & curated by katie winkler | photos by lucas hardison & melissa mcfeetersYou’ve made your list and checked it twice, but it doesn’t really matter if they’re naughty or nice—you still have to get something for the rugrats. It’s actually not that hard to avoid the trappings of Saturday morning cartoon merch and drop something special down the chimney. The kids are gonna love it.
#1: Little Monster Hoodie & Plush Toy Hand-stitched by Philadelphia’s Diane Koss. Hoodie $45, toy $29 at P.POD (located inside the Philadelphia Museum of Art) or Cutesy But Not Cutsey on Etsy.
#2: Owly Shadow Puppet A perfect accompaniment for storytelling time. $12 at Art Star Boutique
#3: Color Your Own Plush Greenstar Studio combines two favorite toys: coloring book and a stuffed friend. $15 at Square Peg Artery and Salvage
#4: Longboard Arbor skateboards and snowboards use sustainable-certified wood cores and water-based finishes. Decks are gripped with crushed recycled glass. $135-$170 at Human Zoom
#5: Green Toys Toolset No job is too big with this environmentally-friendly tool kit. 15-piece set. $19.89 at Save Some Green
#6: Needlings Owl Plush owls made by hand with eco-friendly felt in Canada. $30 at Nice Things Handmade or Needlings on Etsy
#7: Powerhouse This interactive kit lets kids build models of a greenhouse, a solar cell array, a wind power generator and more. $129.99 at Franklin Institute Gift Shop
#8: Septa Wooden Railway What kid isn’t fascinated by trains? Give them the gift of these classics with a Philly twist! $14.99-$26.99 at O’Doodles or Franklin Institute Gift Shop
#9: Venus Fly Trap This itty-bitty Venus Fly Trap will bring endless hours of entertainment. $7-$10 at Primex Garden Center and City Planter
#10: Critter Carriers Made by Jurgita Cenkute of BedHeadSheep using wool felting techniques. $45 at Art Star Boutique
#11: Knit Animal Mittens The only mittens that come as opposing animal rivalry pairs. Made by Vs. Mittens. $30-$40 at Square Peg Artery and Salvage