Media: TV Dinner - Grid Magazine
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Media: TV Dinner


story by Kyle BagenstoseWHYY producer Monica Rogozinski understands the power of television—she uses her “Art of Food” segment on WHYY’s Friday Arts program to give viewers an inside look at our city’s sustainable food initiatives.

“Video has a wonderful quality,” says Rogozinski. “You can see who’s making your food—what their faces look like, how they talk, how they’re growing the food—and you can really feel their passion.” 

Since the show’s debut, Rogozinski and her crew have filmed all over the region. Episodes have taken viewers to a farm using a water-efficient irrigation system, the home of chocolatiers incorporating ingredients from urban gardens and the kitchen of a chef cooking chicken without the help of an oven.

“The segments are a combination of my taste for food and support for food that is produced in a sustainable way,” says Rogozinski. “When an item is produced with great care, there’s usually a great story behind it.”

1 Comment

  1. Correction on spelling. Bagenstose not Bagenstone.

    I really enjoyed reading this article. Very interesting and well written.

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