Our free community goat walk series at
Laurel Hill is back!

We have upcoming dates that we’d love to see you at:

Wed, Sept 20th at 5:30pm (

Laurel Hill West)

Wed, Oct 4th at 5:30pm (

Laurel Hill West)

: The walks start promptly at the start times

: Walks will be rescheduled for the next day (Thursday) in the event of heavy rain. Check our social media for weather related changes.
Meet the Goats at the the parking lot on the North Side of the Funeral Home to walk with the goats and learn about sustainability and Green Burial!! We start right on time, check this website and our social media for weather related changes.
Enter on Belmont Avenue and park at the Funeral Home that is immediately on the left as you come in.. This event will be rescheduled for the next day, (Thursday) in the event of heavy rain. Same day inquiries please text 215-703-8057.
Free !! No registration necessary, we take turns walking the goats!