Stop and Go for Vision Zero by Justin Klugh In the hustle and buzz of an urban commute, we take our lives in our own hands. A driver’s grip on the steering wheel of a two-ton projectile at rush hour is capable of slipping, of getting distracted, of grabbing a phone. Cyclists, too, each day
MorePhoto by Mark Likosky A Bike of One’s Own by Justin Klugh One journey started on a pair of bike tires, cruising over the flatlands of Lincoln, Nebraska. “On a dare, I got into bike racing in the fall of 2009,” says Nebraska native Elisabeth Reinkordt. It was cyclist Sidney Brown, a National Time Trial
MoreIllustration by Jameela Wahlgren Uphill, Both Ways essay by Ginger Osborne It amuses me when I hear young cyclists complain that some car driver yelled at them while they were biking. Yelled at them. This upsets them. Being yelled at. I started riding a bicycle around Philadelphia in the mid 1970s. There were no bike
Data from the CyclePhilly app can be used by regional transportation planners to make Philadelphia a better place to ride. | photos by Photo courtesy of Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission’s (DVRPC)
The future of Philadelphia’s bike lanes is in your hands thanks to the new smartphone app CyclePhilly. Launching the app when you start