Intro to Tufting

Join us for an in-person tufting workshop with Tuft the World! In this hands-on instructional class, participants will learn to use power tufting machines to create a rug or wall hanging. The 6-hour class will cover the basics of setting up a tufting frame with stretched primary cloth and threading and operating tufting machines. Instructions

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The American Swedish Historical Museum is hosting the ExtrABBAganza dance party on the 11th of March! The dance party celebrates the iconic music of the Swedish band ABBA. DJ Robert Drake will spin the throwbacks as everyone lets out their inner Dancing Queen. Highlights of the evening will include a dancing and costume contest and

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Career Wardrobe to hold two fundraiser events at Mushmina and Bok Design Studio

Job interviews are tough, and that’s under the best of circumstances. If you don’t have experience interviewing, the proper clothing or knowledge of where to start looking for a job, it’s even harder. That’s where Career Wardrobe comes in. Career Wardrobe is an local nonprofit in that aids participants with professional clothing, skill development and

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Sustainable Weddings: Lucy Price & Andrew Schmidt

Lucy and Andrew had been following the renovations of the Bok building, a historic vocational school restored into a creative space for small businesses with a rooftop bar and event space. They were thrilled to be one of the first weddings on the South Philly rooftop terrace with 360-degree views of the city.

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A new wholesale boulangerie makes French-inspired pastries

Photo by StevieChris Photography A Well-Buttered Machine by Emily Kovach It’s a sunny Friday morning in South Philadelphia, and the wide ground floor of the hulking Bok Building, formerly Edward W. Bok Technical High School, is eerily quiet. A ride in the creaky elevator to the fourth floor reveals a different scene: Though many of

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