
Da Vinci Art Alliance, South Philly Standby, Needs You Now

The Da Vinci Art Alliance is in financial distress and needs help staying afloat, according to co-directors Samantha Connors and Bryant Girsch. “As many organizations post-COVID-19 lockdown, we’re struggling financially,” they announced via press release. The Alliance dates back to 1931, when 16 Italian immigrant artists and collectors founded the organization at a time when

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On the Horizon: Philadelphia Solar Week

As the inhabitants of Philadelphia roast under the unrelenting sun of July and August, it is easy to dream of shading the entire city with solar panels in an effort to do something useful with the radiation that otherwise renders the daylight hours insufferable. Philadelphia Solar Week, August 15–19 is a start, with Solarize Philly,

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PA Governor’s Veto Leaves Door Open for Natural Gas Bans

On July 11 Pennsylvania governor Tom Wolf vetoed Senate Bill 275, which would have prevented local governments from enacting natural gas hookup bans. Senate Bill 275 is part of a national lobbying effort by the fossil gas industry to head off increasingly popular local initiatives to shift buildings away from fossil fuel use. Washington, D.C.,

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Local Spider Actually Asian Import

In much of Delaware County, secretive spiders spin tube-like webs along the bases of trees. Atypus snetsingeri (like a lot of bugs, it doesn’t have a common name) waits in a burrow below for an unsuspecting insect to brush against the web. Using enormous chelicerae (fangs) it stabs through the web, paralyzing its prey, and

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