On Tap: Summer Bock - Grid Magazine
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On Tap: Summer Bock


story by Lucas HardisonIt’s summer in the city and why yes, now that you mention it, it is dirty and gritty. No worries, we’re going to set you up with a cold crisp lager brewed right here in Philly, just a short walk from Grid HQ, as a matter of fact. No packaging, no delivery trucks, just some stainless steel tanks and a row of tap handles.

Triumph’s Summer Bock is light in color, but nevertheless a full-bodied, stronger-than-you’d-think beer with subtle, spicy pepper notes. In this lager, the cold-fermented yeast has little effect on the flavor, allowing the pilsner malt and German hops to come through focused and clean—an excellent remedy for a day spent sweating in the city heat.

For more, visit triumphbrewing.com/philadelphia

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