Same Face, Different Name: Solardelphia Expands and Becomes re2g - Grid Magazine
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Same Face, Different Name: Solardelphia Expands and Becomes re2g


courtesy of SolardelphiaOver the past decade, Solardelphia has deployed over 4.5MW of Solar PV to over 100 residential and commercial installations in the tri-state area. The company also uses highly advanced solar panels from SunPower to provide buildings with more power from less space. Now it is stretching its arms out further.

Since the company is now expanding to cover states outside the tri-state area, Solardelphia, one of Pennsylvania’s first solar installers, is changing its name to re2g to accommodate for this expansion.

Jude Webster, founder of the Solardelphia and now, president of re2g, explained in a press release that the company will remain completely loyal and firmly committed to the Philadelphia area, “But, it’s time for cities in other states to get better access to clean, renewable energy.”

So where did the name “re2g” come from anyway?

“re2g stands for renewable energy to grid,” Webster explained. “When your solar panels generate more energy than you can use, you can sell that energy. That way, your solar panels can pay for themselves over time, or even make you money.”

So, with a new name and a concrete commitment to providing solar power in an easy, manageable way, re2g, along with Webster, is more than excited for this expansion.

“With our company’s new name, re2g, we’re welcoming all homeowners and businesses from outside Pennsylvania,” said Webster. “I can’t wait to show [re2g] to folks outside of the Philadelphia area.”

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