I know I’m not supposed to play favorites, but of all the pieces in our inaguaral issue, I like Destinee-Charisse Royal’s piece on For My Daughter Library the best. Before I explain why, I’d like to give a little love to some other stories, too, so they don’t get jealous.
Our cover subject, Mike McKinley, surfs, and he exudes a laid-back surfer vibe. But you won’t mistake his cool for indifference; Mike infuses an activist energy into his business, taking time to do educational talks at every opportunity. I’m thrilled to have him on the first cover of Grid.
I’m also excited to have prominent members of the community participating in Grid, as well. Mark Alan Hughes, Philadelphia’s Director of Sustainability, plans to answer questions from our readers on a monthly basis; Bob Pierson, the head of Farm to City, will keep us posted on what is in season and available. Every month we will profile a community leader; this month we had the pleasure of speaking with energy veteran Liz Robinson of the Energy Coordinating Agency.
The staff did a great job finding some shorter stories, too numerous to single out, revolving around unique businesses, events and institutions in Philadelphia. Our hope is that it will inspire you to seek out that locally-owned restaurant or support the local artist and forge your own connection to the city.
Our energy section is chock full of helpful information. We can’t urge you strongly enough to get a home audit if possible, and if you can’t, have a look at how you might curb your energy consumption. We’ve already entered into an uncertain age regarding energy, and, as we explain in the introduction to the section, we need to pull together and prepare like never before.
All that said, my favorite story remains the one that might seem, to some, not to fit into our editorial purview. I mean, what does a kids’ library have to do with our carbon footprint? “Young people are resources,” says For My Daughter Library founder Yvonne Haughton. That idea is the central difference between “going green,” which companies do to save money and face, and sustainability, which is what we do to save each other.
This is our first issue, so please bear with me as I thank some people who made it possible. First, hats off to our subscribers and advertisers. It takes a lot of guts to put your faith (and money) into a fledgling project such as this. We won’t forget your early support, and we’ll do our best to never let you down. Thank you to the hundreds of readers who sent letters; it is truly inspiring to see how many people share our passion and want to be part of Grid. Thank you to Dana Henry, Will Dean and Ashley Jerome, who all worked tirelessly to whip this magazine into shape; good job, and, yes, you can start working from home on Sundays. Finally, I need to thank my fiancée Ellen, who awaits me in the kitchen. It’s time to close the laptop and make some applesauce.
Alex J. Mulcahy