story byLiz PachecoSteps away from the Temple University Train Station is another example of how green building can be affordable. Paseo Verde, or “green way,” is a new, sustainable mixed-use rental housing development spearheaded by the Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha (APM) and Jonathan Rose Companies. APM has already built eco-friendly, single-family homes in the neighborhood—their 13 Sheriden Street Houses are slated for LEED Gold certification. This project, intended for low- and moderate-income families, will have 120 rental units with an energy efficient design, including green roofs, solar panels, and the use of recycled and renewable materials. The ground floor will host retail and community space, with the entire building working toward LEED for Home and Neighborhood Development certifications. The location near the train station is critical to the project, providing residents with easy access to an important transit hub. The project broke ground in April and is slated for completion in Spring 2013. —Liz Pacheco

Green Way: Ambitious, mixed-use houising project breaks ground near Temple
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wow a low cost, low power consumption units! i would love to live in one of those. by the way how much does it cost per unit?
wow a low cost, low power consumption units! i would love to live in one of those. by the way how much does it cost per unit?
Liz, can you give credit to the architect on this project? Thank you.
Yes, again I write requesting information on this new living project. Thank you
Yes, again I write requesting information on this new living project. Thank you