Ryerss Museum & Library – Grid Magazine

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Homeschool Geocaching at Ryerss Museum

Ryerss Museum & Library 7370 Central Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Join us at Ryerss Museum and Library to learn what geocaching is and how a GPS unit works.Join us at Ryerss Museum and Library to learn what geocaching is and how a GPS unit works. Then head out and discover hidden treasures (caches) around Burholme Park. Join us for this program geared towards families with Homeschoolers, 2nd grade and up! Adults must stay with the children. This session will be held from 10:30pm until 12:30pm. $5.00 per person per school aged child. Pre-registration is required on Eventbrite or call 215-685-0470 or email pec@phila.gov.Program Location: 7370 Central Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19111Best