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The City in the 21st Century: Celebrating the Reflective Practitioner

Kleinman Center for Energy Policy, Fisher Fine Arts Library 220 S. 34th St., Kleinman Forum, 4th Floor, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Join the Penn IUR and Penn Press in welcoming Enrique Peñalosa Londoño, former mayor of Bogotá, Colombia, to campus on January 23 .“An advanced city is not one where the poor own a car,” writes Enrique Peñalosa “but one where the rich use public transport.” Former mayor of Bogotá, Colombia, Penalosa sees city design as projects that define human happiness, dignity, and equality. He worked to achieve that goal during his two terms (1998-2001 and 2016-2019) when he implemented the Transmilenio bike system and the city’s mass transit and bus rapid transit (BRT) systems, along with several other infrastructure projects