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Community Day at the John James Audubon Center

John James Audubon Center at Mill Grove 1201 Pawlings Road, Audubon, United States

Birds are headed south for the winter! Enjoy this family-friendly, community event featuring bird walks and bird ambassadors, children’s crafts, music, food, beer sampling, and more as we say so long to many of our feathered friends until next spring and celebrate their winter destinations as part of Hispanic Heritage Month! Places like Colombia, Panama, and Mexico are where birds like Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, Prothonotary Warblers, and Rose-breasted Grosbeak spend the winter, while Dark-eyed Juncos or Northern Flickers may go no further south than your backyard. Get to know more about migration and the birds that unite us across the Americas

Wings Over Water: A Film Screening and Panel Discussion at The Colonial Theater

The Colonial Theatre 227 Bridge Street, Phoenixville, PA, United States

Audubon Mid-Atlantic, the John James Audubon Center at Mill Grove, Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens, and The Colonial Theatre are pleased to bring you “Wings Over Water," a visually stunning film that shares the epic journey of three migratory birds and their connection to wetlands, and other crucial waterways as they traverse thousands of miles to reach their nesting and breeding grounds. Though concentrated in the Central and Mississippi Flyways, two of the film’s featured birds, Yellow Warblers and Mallard Ducks, also migrate through parts of the Atlantic Flyway, including the Delaware River Watershed where Audubon Mid-Atlantic is working to conserve,