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Visit the Wagner Museum 2024

Wagner Free Institute of Science 1700 W Montgomery Ave, Philadelphia

Welcome to the Wagner - a National Historic Landmark natural history museum in Philadelphia!

Tiny Tracks Tuesdays

Wissahickon Environmental Education Center 300 Northwestern Ave., Philadelphia

Nature program for the Adventurous Playful Child!Our Tiny Tracks programs provide a time and space for young people (ages 3 - 7) to be guided through sensory awareness activities, natural movement challenges, and nature literacy expeditions - all designed to allow for young people to be more aware of, and connected to, the Earth and her many children - rooted, feathered, and furred!​

Intro to Glowforge : Make a Custom Coaster

Utility Works MakerSpace 18 North Lansdowne Avenue, Lansdowne

Want to learn how to use a Glowforge? Then this class is for you! This class is a requirement for UW members wanting to use the Glowforge.COURSE DESCRIPTIONBy now you’ve probably seen the commercials floating around about the Glowforge cutter / engraver machine and the amazing things it can do and create; and if you haven’t, then go check out their website https://glowforge.com to get an idea of just how awesome this thing really is! In this certification class you will be sitting down with MakerSpace Manager Evan Ludwig to make a custom coaster. He will teach you the basics