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Wood is Good, It Grows on Trees – TimberHP Wood Fiber Insulation

June 10 @ 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]Timber_fill_500[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Learn how wood fiber insulation, now produced in America, can be used to create wind-tight, vapor-open assemblies for long-term, robust building envelope assemblies. Join GBU’s Passive House Community to hear about the impact of building material carbon emissions, Life Cycle Analysis, and how wood-fiber insulation can make positive impacts with carbon sequestration.

Click here to register!

Attendees will walk away with:

  • Working knowledge of insulation products available on the market today and the impact of new building codes on the building envelope to understand why now, more than ever, selecting the right insulation has a greater impact on our environment than ever before.
  • Understanding of wood-fiber insulation which includes: knowledge of positive sustainability implications, why wood-fiber stands up to field liabilities such as fire, bugs, and water and performs to code, and knowledge of the various forms of wood-fiber and practical applications for each.
  • Ability to explain the importance of code compliance and how climate zone impacts assembly design, and the ability to understand thermal bridging and how to address, especially in cold climate regions.
  • Knowledge of Life Cycle Analysis modeling and how it is used to help better understand building material impacts on the environment, with a strong understanding of Embodied Carbon Emissions and how product selection can help reduce impacts on the environment
CEUs: 1 AIA and 1 Phius pending

Light snacks & drinks provided.

Speaker: Dan Edelman, TimberHP

Dan Edelman has been in the built environment for over 20 years, with 13 of those years in the high performance building community. With a strong building science knowledge base, Dan educates and collaborates with architects, builders, insulation contractors, and the supply chain to better the industry with vapor permeable natural products. Increasing comfort and durability are high on Dan’s priority list when designing and constructing buildings that will ultimately reduce the embodied carbon of the construction process with wood fiber insulation from TimberHP.



Woodcock Design
1518 Walnut Street, Suite 1308
Philadelphia, PA 19102 United States
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