The True Impacts of Alternative Energy Solutions on your Utility Bill - Grid Magazine

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The True Impacts of Alternative Energy Solutions on your Utility Bill

October 19, 2023 @ 8:00 am - 10:30 am

Join SEI for a “look behind the curtain” as we explore the true impacts of Renewables, CHP and EV Charging projects on your utility bill.

Regardless of if you have alternative energy in mind right now, you can learn more about your utility bill and how everyone will be charged for electricity and utilities in the future.

Who should attend:

Facilities Managers, Building Owners, CFOs, Energy Professionals, Sustainability Managers Procurement Professionals, Project & Property Developers, Municipal Developers, Job Seekers.

Event Agenda: 

8:00 to 8:30 a.m. – Check-in, networking and light breakfast.

8:30 to 10:00 a.m. – Program followed by Q & A moderated by SEI’s Michael Cromer, VP – Energy & Sustainability at Pennoni.

Continue the discussion until 10:30 a.m. in the Gallery.


David Ferro, CEOOptics Consulting, LLC

This program will start with a high level review of the PJM grid followed by how local gas and electric utilities bill their clients. We will explore the many utility invoice line items that are often ignored and explain how alternative energy solutions impact these fee structures both positively and negatively. Examples and case studies will be presented showing both favorable and detrimental scenarios based on the type of utility invoicing. The goal of this program is to educate the audience on how alternative energy projects can affect your “bottom line” allowing for improved decision making.

Three parts to the program:

1. Bills and understanding with utilities and where you fit in the grid

2. Right-sizing who you are and the line items of your bill

3. Case studies and examples provided. The committee mentions: Some notable things worked on for Fortune 200, 500, Universities and Pharma.

Topics to address in the program include:

1. What do clients need the most?

2. Breakdown of invoices

3. Do you have the smallest footprint that you can? Rightsizing your company.

4. Energy management and where do you fit? Where are your holes?

5. Three parts that are Planet, People and Profit for both gas and power. (The committee says this will be the theme of the Energy Briefing program in February 2024.

6. Time of use rates. What is peak and how does it translate to your bill and impact the bottom line.

About this event:

Registration is required. Any messaging pertaining to the event will be sent to the email that was provided in the registration.

This is an in-person event with an option for ZOOM. The zoom is not a professional presentation. Virtual attendees will be able to hear and see the presentation but asking questions will be limited to posting your question in the CHAT. THE ZOOM INFO FOR THIS EVENT WILL BE SENT TO YOU IN A CONFIRMATION EMAIL UPON COMPLETION OF REGISTRATION.

Questions? Contact Jim Lauckner, Project Consultant

This event is funded in part by the Chester County Workforce Development Board