PRIDE: Poets in the Park - Grid Magazine

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PRIDE: Poets in the Park

June 26, 2023 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

A poetic celebration of PRIDE Month featuring local poets Boston Gordon, Campbell Simmons and Sean Hanrahan.

We begin the final week of Free Library of PhillyPRIDE with our first PRIDE: Poets in the Park featuring local poets Boston Gordon, Campbell Simmons and Sean Hanrahan reading selections from their works and discussing their craft.

Boston Gordon (he/they) is a poet and designer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is the author of the chapbook Glory Holes out now from Harbor Editions. He runs the You Can’t Kill A Poet reading series—which highlights queer and trans identified writers in Philadelphia. He has poems published in many places like Guernica, American Poetry Review, and Best New Poets.

Cam Simmons (they/she) is a San Francisco born poet and Philly resident and lover. They’ve been writing poetry for most of their life moving between spoken word, slam, and the written form in both academic and informal settings. In recent years they’ve enjoyed writing humorous and surrealist pieces contemplating the challenges of new adulthood. Since moving to Philly they’ve been attending and sharing at local readings like You Can’t Kill A Poet and are ever grateful for how the Philly poetry community has embraced them.

Sean Hanrahan (he/him/his) is a Philadelphian poet originally hailing from Dale City, Virginia. He is the author of the full-length collection Safer Behind Popcorn (2019 Cajun Mutt) and the chapbooks Hardened Eyes on the Scan (2018 Moonstone) and Gay Cake (2020 Toho). His work has also been included in several anthologies and journals as well. Sean has taught classes titled A Chapbook in 49 Days, Ekphrastic Poetry, Poetry Embodied, and has hosted poetry events throughout Philadelphia.

Time permitting, we will have the opportunity for open mic readings from our audience as well as questions for our three readers.

This program is free and open to the public.

Weather permitting, we’ll be outside in Shakespeare Park across Vine Street from Parkway Central Library, as twilight descends upon our city’s Skyline. Bench seating is limited yet you’re welcome to bring your own chair or blanket.

Please check out our other events in support of PRIDE Month at the Free Library of Philadelphia:

Debunking Stonewall Myths

PRIDE Solstice


June 26, 2023
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Shakespeare Park
1901 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103 United States


Free Library of Philadelphia