Introduction to Grounding - Grid Magazine

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Introduction to Grounding

March 25, 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Introduction to Grounding. Are you curious to learn more?

A long-time Co-op member Elizabeth Corea will host a workshop to share introductory techniques and tools to Grounding. In this workshop, attendees will learn grounding techniques that help them heal, detox, focus, and destress.

This is an in person workshop. It will be held on Saturday, March 25th from 1:00pm-2:00pm at Weavers Way Germantown Outreach Office located at 326B West Chelten Ave , Philadelphia PA 19144.

Elizabeth took a 2-year certificate program with Donna Eden, author of 2 books on energy medicine and took a dozen of on-line classes with Prune Harris. Both women actually see energy and how it works in the body. She has personally benefited from their classes, being able to lower the amount of medication she takes for an underactive thyroid. She is now retired, but taught communication courses at Framingham State University, counseled women with eating disorders with an organization called Feeding Ourselves. She has an MA in Rhetoric and Public Address from the University of MA and an MS in Counseling Psychology from Northeastern University.

Weavers Way Workshops are a means of knowledge and skill-sharing among Co-op members, and include presentations, discussions, how-to’s, book studies and support groups that are typically free and open to everyone. Views and opinions expressed by any workshop facilitator are not representative of the Co-op. The Co-op is the facilitator and not responsible for views expressed by its presenters.

Weavers Way members who lead workshops get work credit. Earn your Working Member status and enjoy 5% off all your purchases by sharing your expertise or experience. To propose a workshop, email


March 25, 2023
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


326B West Chelten Ave
326B West Chelten Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19144 United States


Weavers Way Co-op