How to pack a healthy lunch boxes to fuel kids through the school day
September 5 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Nicole Schillinger, a registered dietician and a long time coop member will share tips and tricks to pack a nutritious and tasty lunch box
Are you looking for tips and tricks to help make back to school transition easier? Nicole will share her secrets to make lunchboxes tasty and nutritious. She will share delicious products that are on the shelves of the coop and different ways to use them. This is an inperson demo that will be hosted at our Ambler store on 9/5 at 6:30pm.
Nicole Schillinger RD, LDN will be leading the session. She has been a Registered Dietitian for over 24 years, working in the clinical field of hospitals, assisted livings and long term care facilities. Since 2011 she has run her own private practice called Functional Health Center. Daily Nicole meets with patients to help them get healthier which may entail losing weight/body fat, improving glucose and cholesterol levels, lowering blood pressure and decreasing gastrointestinal symptoms.