Flowers, Flies, and Fermentation: The Pollination Ecology of Pawpaw - Grid Magazine

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Flowers, Flies, and Fermentation: The Pollination Ecology of Pawpaw

September 21, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Explore recent research on the pollination strategy and fly pollinator of pawpaw.


Flowers, Flies, and Fermentation: The Pollination Ecology of Pawpaw

7:00 – 8:30 PM

Kate Goodrich, Ph.D., Professor of Biology, Widener University

The pawpaw (Asimina triloba) is a fascinating local tree that produces the largest native fruits in North America. Pawpaw was widely known and consumed by indigenous people and early colonists, but it is less well-known today. Biologist Kate Goodrich will share her recent research on the pollination strategy of this tree, and the fly species responsible for pollination—and fruit set—of pawpaw. She’ll also share some of the historical and current-day cultural significance of this charismatic tree.

Free of charge | Virtual event (a Zoom link will be emailed to participants prior to lecture date)

This virtual lecture is a part of our Third Thursday Lecture series