Learn how to get the most out of your groceries by regrowing your kitchen scraps. You’ll want to take notes for this one, so bring a notepad and pen!
MoreLearn how to create a wind turbine energy generator in this hands-on workshop.
MoreUnleash your creativity and explore how overcoming functional fixedness can help you bring new life to objects that no longer serve their original purpose. Bring an old toy or item that you’d like to upcycle into something new and functional. You’ll want to take notes for this one, so bring a notepad and pen!
MoreClean and Simple by Anna Herman Soapmaking is a blend of art and chemistry, and you shouldn’t take the chemistry part lightly. Once you understand the basic chemical process, you will see the importance of taking precautions. Then you’ll learn the many possible combinations ofingredients, and your inner artisan can emerge. I have come to
MorePeach Bliss by Anna Herman Gorge though you may, there are only so many peaches and cherries you can eat this summer, and some fruits are just better when they aren’t fresh: I’ve rarely had an apricot on the East Coast that was worth eating when I bought it. But sweet and tart jam made
MoreDear Diary by Anna Herman Handcrafting a book to jot down favorite quotes or sketch your garden plans is an hour or two of work well spent. With a bit of planning and practice, you can transform scraps and hand-me-downs into practical or fantastical journals, albums or printed books. These make great presents and gifts,
MoreSoak it In A trip to the spa can be the pinnacle of relaxation, but you don’t always need to outsource your pampering. It’s easy to make your own bath scrubs and soaks, choosing the scents that appeal to your sense of inner peace. Ingredients are widely available—even at some chain drug stores or your
MoreMend Your Ways by Anna Herman Buttons pop off. Sweaters snag. Jeans wear out. So, unless tattered clothes are your fashion preference, resolve to get to know a needle and thread. (Way) back when I was in junior high school, one was required to take sewing, home-ec and shop classes. At the time, it seemed
MoreSweet smells and subtle light will get you through winter’s dark nights by Anna Herman When I was seven, I had a revelation. I could have brownies on demand if I made them myself. Learning this simple skill gave me agency over my appetites and fueled a lifelong interest in figuring out how to make
MoreIllustration by Narrator Punk is Dead, Long Live Punk by Tim Canny In my early 20s, I embraced the punk rock DIY ethic when I played in a band and published a fanzine, both of which you’ve never heard of. But that’s okay. Back in the early ’80s, the goal wasn’t fame or fortune; it