
July: Comings & Goings

Councilman Squilla Delays Controversial Zoning BillCouncilman Mark Squilla, 1st District, announced June 12 that he would delay consideration of a bill he introduced regarding the Central Delaware Zoning Overlay. Urbanist PAC 5th Square’s petition to withdraw the bill garnered over 500 signatures after it was announced that the bill would increase the maximum allowed building

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Play It Cool

The centerpiece is the Blue Cross RiverRink, a 21-year-old outdoor ice-skating rink. | Photos by Matt Stanley
Embrace the brisk weather by visiting the Delaware River Waterfront for the Blue Cross RiverRink Winterfest. The winter respite touts thousands of lights, great food and drinks, comfy rockers and couches, games and more.
Building off of the success of

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Historic Pier 53 transformed into public park

ZONE A: Upper Riparian/Upland: above daily tidal inundation, flooded by larger storms. Habitat for migratory and resident songbirds and raptors, small reptiles, small mammals and invertebrates. ZONE B: Lower Riparian: occasional tidal inundation and flooded by smaller storms. Habitat for migratory and resident songbirds and raptors, small reptiles, small mammals and invertebrates. ZONE C:

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