Bennett Compost Cleanup in Tacony Creek Park

Join Bennett Compost to clean Tacony Creek Park and park gateways every Wednesday. Let’s support this local business in improving our environment and neighborhood! Location: Meet at Bennett Compost: 5650 Rising Sun Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19120 Time: 11am All tools and supplies will be provided. Questions or interested in volunteering? Contact (215) 520-2406 or

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Creek Care Day – Second Saturday

Help preserve the beauty of Tacony Creek Park! Join us for Creek Care Day on the second Saturday of the month to help clean up the park. Location: Whitaker Avenue & Loudon Street near the Tacony Creek Park Gateway, Philadelphia 19120 All tools and materials will be provided, including work gloves (though you’re welcome to

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Weekly Creek Care Day: Philly

Join your neighbors and TCP Keepers to clean Tacony Creek Park and its gateways. Location: TBA Every Wednesday Time: 3pm to 5pm All tools and supplies will be provided, including work gloves, snacks, and water. Restrooms are not available. Please bring a reusable water bottle if you have one. We follow Philadelphia guidelines & will

1 min read

Weekly Creek Care Day: Philly

Join your neighbors and TCP Keepers to clean Tacony Creek Park and its gateways. Location: TBA Every Wednesday Time: 3pm to 5pm All tools and supplies will be provided, including work gloves, snacks, and water. Restrooms are not available. Please bring a reusable water bottle if you have one. We follow Philadelphia guidelines & will

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Tacony Creek Park Keepers Meeting

Do you care about Tacony Creek Park? Join us for our monthly park friends group meeting! Share your thoughts and ideas with other park neighbors and hear updates on programs and events. Contact with any questions or agenda items! Please register here.    

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Tacony Creek Park Keepers Friendsgiving

Date: November 16, 2023 Time: 6PM – 8PM Location: Panasian Buffet – 829a Adams Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19124 Join your fellow TCP Keepers for a FREE Friendsgiving dinner get-together Celebrate your incredible Tacony Creek Park efforts this year Enjoy dinner & giveaways Free parking is available on-site. The gathering is set in a reserved private room. Register here.

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Weekly Creek Care Day: Philly

Join your neighbors and TCP Keepers to clean Tacony Creek Park and its gateways. Location: TBA Every Wednesday Time: 3pm to 5pm All tools and supplies will be provided, including work gloves, snacks, and water. Restrooms are not available. Please bring a reusable water bottle if you have one. We follow Philadelphia guidelines & will

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Creek Care Day: Montgomery County

Join your neighbors and Streamkeepers for our monthly Creek Care Day in Montgomery County at Ethel Jordan Park. We will be working to remove invasives and some of the existing buffer fencing. All tools and supplies will be provided, including work gloves (though you’re welcome to bring your own). Please note, that restrooms are not

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Love Your Park Fall in Tacony Creek Park

Help us tidy up Tacony Creek Park! Meet new friends and join neighbors to clean up Tacony Creek Park at the Tabor Rd Gateway. Please register here.  All tools and supplies will be provided, including work gloves, snacks, and water. We supply masks. Restrooms are not available. Please bring a reusable water bottle if you

1 min read

Bennett Compost Cleanup in Tacony Creek Park

Join Bennett Compost to clean Tacony Creek Park and park gateways every Wednesday. Let’s support this local business in improving our environment and neighborhood! Location: Meet at Bennett Compost: 5650 Rising Sun Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19120 Time: 11am All tools and supplies will be provided. No registration required. Questions? Contact Alex Rosario at or 215-744-1853.

1 min read