In conjunction with Women’s History Month, the East Passyunk Avenue Business Improvement District (EPABID) will be hosting its annual Women Mean Business event on Thursday, March 13th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Society Hill Dance Academy (1919 East Passyunk Avenue). This year’s Women Mean Business will include a panel discussion, Q&A with local
MoreIllustration by Carter Mulcahy The Spirit of Philadelphia by Steven Grasse I was born and raised in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia is where I live now. I’m raising a family here. I run a creative agency here. I’m a lifelong student of our city’s history and lore. I love it. But there’s no need to bury the
MoreIllustration by Kathleen White What’s in a name? When it comes to businesses that want to do good, common misconceptions abound: that nonprofits are not businesses, that cooperative businesses are not run for profit, and that all businesses must maximize profit above all else. Any company, theoretically, can do good. The reverse is also true—not
MoreIllustration by Kathleen White Serious Business by Hannah Waters Every moment of every day, even as you read this magazine, a dizzying array of scientific gadgets collect data on our planet’s environment. More than 3,000 ocean floats measure the temperature and saltiness of seawater to depths of 6,500 feet. Instruments at the top of the