
Oakify Philadelphia

By Noah Raven and Francis Raven We filled our backpacks with over a dozen trees: chestnut oaks, black cherries and red mulberries, as well as two shovels, a pair of clippers, two pairs of gloves and several wooden stakes to label each of the seedlings. Our goal was to plant them in a degraded area

4 mins read

Can a car insurance fee protect wildlife from collisions?

By Carolyn Kousky and Noah Raven Busy roads and wildlife are a bad combination. Collisions between vehicles and wildlife not only kill and injure animals — they can also cause substantial property damage and injure or kill drivers and passengers. In 2020, Pennsylvania had the highest total number of animal-vehicle collisions reported through insurance claims

3 mins read

How you can help insects

You may be aware that the planet is losing large mammals such as elephants, rhinos, pandas, and whales because of human actions, but insects are also facing devastating declines. While they may be unpleasant or repulsive to many, insects are what the naturalist E. O. Wilson called the “little things that run the world.” In

2 mins read

A Need for Urban Wildness

The sycamore leaves rustle as a tiger swallowtail flutters overhead and a Cooper’s hawk screeches from above. A ruby-throated hummingbird couple is nectaring at our feeder, a woodpecker tries (in vain) to peck holes in our stucco wall, a red fox chases a baby rabbit that was just feeding on clover in our grass and

4 mins read