As a Philly bicycle commuter, it’s long been my dream to race through the city slapping tickets on all the cars parked in the bike lanes. In the eyes of bikers, many of the everyday users of city streets — delivery trucks, contractor vans, Ubers picking up and depositing passengers, even residents dropping off groceries
MoreMeet Craig Santoro, a bike commuter whose trek to work involves constantly dodging cars. From the vehicles parked in bike lanes to the vehicles whizzing by in driving lanes, the city’s streets are always keeping Craig on his toes. Cue the Philadelphia Parking Authority’s bike patrol. Follow Craig and the PPA as they bring us
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As a Philly bicycle commuter, it’s long been my dream to race through the city slapping tickets on all the cars parked in the bike lanes. In the eyes of bikers, many of the everyday users of city streets — delivery trucks, contractor vans, Ubers picking up and depositing passengers, even residents dropping off groceries
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