
A York County reservoir project could be part of a sustainable grid. It would also displace dozens of households

Update: On February 1, 2024, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a preliminary permit to York Energy Storage, LLC for the pumped hydroelectric storage project the company is proposing in York County. The preliminary permit gives York Energy Storage priority for building a project on the site (essentially calling dibs) and opens up a

7 mins read

A deer plague is heading toward Philadelphia. Business and politics are getting in the way of stopping it

Like a human starting to experience Alzheimer’s disease, a deer in the early stages of chronic wasting disease doesn’t look all that sick. You’d have to spend some time with it to notice anything amiss. But in both illnesses, once it starts, there is no stopping the degeneration of the brain tissue and further outward

13 mins read

Editor’s Notes: A Moving Target

Everyone loves Green City, Clean Waters — at least in theory. Twelve years ago the Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) rolled out the ambitious, 25-year plan meant to deal with our combined stormwater-sewer system. When it rains, stormwater that flows off of roofs and pavement tends to overwhelm the system, sending raw sewage into our rivers

2 mins read

Editor’s Notes: A History of Erasure

The head of the Wampanoag sachem Metacomet (aka King Philip) sat on a spike at the entrance to Plymouth, Massachusetts, for two decades after his failed uprising against the English colonists was crushed in 1676. The colonists sent his family into slavery in the Caribbean. Metacomet was the son of Ousamequin (aka Massasoit), who rescued

2 mins read

Sister Cities Cafe Makes Windows Safer for Birds

Windows of any size can kill birds, but those at Sister Cities Cafe in Center City were particularly lethal. “It’s essentially a glass cube with three sides that are full windows top to bottom,” says Stephanie Egger, a volunteer with Bird Safe Philly. “The problem here is twofold: its transparency, so the birds can see

2 mins read
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