Letting Go of Sentimental Items - Grid Magazine
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Letting Go of Sentimental Items


Letting Go of Sentimental Items

by Joshua Fields Millburn

My mother died in 2009. She lived a thousand miles away, and it was my responsibility to vacate her apartment in Florida. It was a small, one-bedroom place, but it was packed wall-to-wall with her belongings. Mom had great taste (she could have been an interior designer), and none of her stuff was junk. Nevertheless, there was a lot of stuff in her home.

Mom was constantly shopping, always accumulating more stuff: She had antique furniture throughout her apartment, a stunning oak canopy bed that consumed almost her entire bedroom, two closets jam-packed with clothes, picture frames standing on every flat surface, original artwork adorning the walls, and tasteful decorations in every nook, cranny, and crevasse. There was 64 years of accumulation in that tiny apartment.

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