The Atlas of Climate Change is a deftly illustrated and informative reference book about the state of the global climate today. With words, diagrams, maps and captions, the book transforms decades of data into easily consumable and powerful information. From receding glaciers and automobile driving habits to global greenhouse gas policy and renewable electricity production, The Atlas of Climate Change succeeds in simplifying a complex and multifaceted issue.
The Atlas of Climate Change: Mapping the World’s Greatest Challenge (Third Edition)
Latest from #035 March 2012
story by Liz Pacheco | photos by Emily WrenEntering the high tunnel at Mort Brooks Memorial
Farming statistics in the U.S. are grim. Less than two percent of the country actively farms.
story by Shaun Brady | photos by Albert YeeRoman Stoltzfoos emerges from the barn where his
story by Shaun Brady | photo by Emily WrenOn spring, summer and fall afternoons, Pennypack Farm
story by Mary Elizabeth Clark, SSJ | photo by Howard PitkowIn my parent’s house, faith and