lasalle.eduThis weekend is looking like a busy one for GRID enthusiasts!
Saturday, March 19, 10:00 a.m.- 2 p.m.
La Salle University’s Sustainability Symposium. Join La Salle University in its first ever symposium on sustainability, “Sustainability: Is It More Than We Think?” It’s open to all guests, but registration ends today. Register for free here.
Saturday, March 20, 3:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
Henry’s Got Crops “Share a Share” Fundraiser. Join this CSA for their silent auction that will raise funds to bring delicious, locally grown food to Philadelphia families. Money from the event will be used to offer reduced price memberships to its 2011 vegetable shares. The event will include food, music, a raffle, and bidding on donated items from businesses in Northwest Philadelphia. The event will take at the Unitarian Society of Germantown, 6511 Lincoln Drive
Saturday, March 19, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Philly Tree People’s Tool Sharpening Workshop. Join Joe Shapiro, a hardworking volunteer for UC Green, and learn how to sharpen pruning shears, shovels, hoes and loppers, just in time for spring. (This is perfect for all of you who are ready to start your gardens!) If you’re interested in attending please e-mail There are a maximum of 24 people for this event, so be sure to RSVP now!
Saturday, March 19, 9:00am-6:00pm & Sunday, March 20, 10:00am -5:00pm
The Lehigh Valley Green Builders’ Third Annual Green Home and Building Expo. Come out to the expo for exhibitors, talks, workshops and demos, on green and renewable energy, green building and remodeling, and green gardening tips and techniques. The event will take place at Northhampton Community College, Spartan Center, Main Campus, 3835 Green Pond Road, Bethlehem. Adults: $5, Seniors and Students: $4, 12 & under: Free Register here for early bird reduced-price tickets.
Sunday, March 20, 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Morris Arboretum Klein Endowed Lecture: “Wild Urban Plants of the Northeast.” Join Peter Del Tredici at Morris Arboretum (100 East Northwestern Avenue in the Chestnut Hill section of Philadelphia) for an engaging lecture on the importance of urban plants in our area. A reception will follow with refreshments at the Widener Visitor Center. Please register for the lecture here or by calling 215- 247-5777 ext. 156.
are shares still available to purchase at Henry's?