THE KIND: Weavers Way's first-ever Vegan Fest - Grid Magazine
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THE KIND: Weavers Way’s first-ever Vegan Fest


courtesy of Weavers Way Co-opWeavers Way Co-op in Mt. Airy will host its very own Vegan Fest, a “celebration of all things vegan,” on Sunday, March 20 from noon until 4p.m., showcasing  vegan products from Bhagya’s Kitchen, Jyoti, Moshe’s, Fresh Tofu and Helen’s Pure Foods. There will also be an assortment of products made by the Weavers Way prepared foods department.

Since 1972, Weavers Way Co-op has been a community institution offering   locally grown, nutritious and sustainable foods. With over 4,600 members today, Weavers Way has made quite a name for itself over the past few decades.

“Weavers Way has grown so much over the years,” says Jonathan McGoran, Communications Director and editor of the co-op’s monthly newspaper, The Shuttle. “Vegan Fest is one way for us to highlight one of our greatest strengths, to have some fun and help to educate people about vegan diets.”

Not only will the co-op’s first Vegan Fest educate novice vegans on the health and environmental benefits, it also will ensure that the specified vegan diet is nutritionally complete.

“Vegan diets are healthy for people and our planet,” said McGoran. And although Weavers Way has a full selection of quality meat and dairy products, we have carried a wide range of vegan and vegetarian foods for almost forty years now. The [Vegan Fest] is a great opportunity to have some fun and eat some delicious vegan foods.”

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