Dive In: How Cool is Devil's Pool? - Grid Magazine
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Dive In: How Cool is Devil’s Pool?


It was recently brought to my attention that there is a swimming hole in Wissahickon Park called Devil’s Pool. As I began researching the specifics of this urban watering hole, I became more and more intrigued by the mystery, beauty and legend of this questionably-legal spot.

I’m not a Philadelphia native so as I was searching for information—and even as I write this post, I feel like I might be crossing a line and revealing information reserved only for those “in the know.”

But I’ll continue on.

The pool is located where the Cresheim Creek runs down through Mt. Airy and Germantown and spills into the Wissahickon Creek. It’s become a favorite spot to cool off in the late spring through early fall. Apparently a few especially-dedicated fans of the pool pay no mind to the temperature and will plunge into the water all year round. Perhaps the group that writes the, seemingly retired, Devil’s Pool is Really Cool blog…?

The pool is also a thrill seekers’ paradise. Although at its deepest its no no more than seven feet, many brave souls will jump from the rocks that surround it. A travel blog post on Matador Travel warned that feet first is the way to go. Swimmers who have attempted to display their acrobatic skills with fancy dives and flips have been injured, even paralyzed.

Perhaps what struck my interest most was a comment on a PhilaStories post about Devil’s Pool. While the poster did say that Devil’s Pool is a great place to hang out, any swimming in the pool should be avoided. According to he/she, waste from treatment plants and pharmaceutical companies flows downstream into the “hidden oasis.”

So what is the truth about Devil’s Pool? Is it the perfect secluded spot to cool off on a hot summer’s day? Or is it a dangerous spot that is better for looking at than plunging in?


  1. As a native Northwest Philadelphia, I can attest to the magic of this spot—though had gotten a bit crowded in recent years.

  2. The water is much clearer and more refreshing than the (equally?) polluted Jersey Shore. Although the "swimming" hole is a bit small, I recommend biking or hiking to the spot and cooling off with a dip. There is a spot to picnic at the top of the cliffs with a great view.

  3. Best way to check is talking to the friends of the wissahickon http://www.fow.org/ or fairmount park http://www.fairmountpark.org/. I know there are people that go around and test the water for pollution. I’ve always assumed it’s polluted. I grew up in this area, and well the run off, from the streets just goes into the schuylkill. They usually have signs everywhere saying not to swim in devils pool or the creek. I mean, you’re still in philly, no matter how clean the water looks.

  4. I have hiked every inch of the Whissahicken even in the dead of winter..with my kids and we know every rock on all of the trails. I agree that Devils Pool is a welcome sight for the eyes and is particularly serene with no one around.
    However.. what a dissapointment when we did a quick hike up the other day. trash every where made the place look like a total sh-thole. what a disrespect of our environment. Thank God i raised my kids the right way to keep our earth clean.
    being a hot 90' degree day there were "swimmers" in the water. I understand the need to keep cool on a hot day. But heed the saying "ignorance is bliss" and "what u don't know can hurt u"
    suffice to say the water that flows thru Devils Pool is filthy beyond comprehension and swimming in it poses a serious health risk… including Leptosporosis and lots of other invisible creepy crawlies. be safe and educate yourself!

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